Ladder Golf® is the original ladder ball type of game. It's easy and fun to play, just toss and attempt to wrap the bola onto a rungs for points. Our very own CEO, Brent Doud, founded the Ladder Golf company in the early 2000’s and popularized the ladder ball craze by creating the Ladder Golf® collection of high-quality outdoor games featuring quality hardwood and real golf balls. Over the years, Ladder Golf® has been played on TV shows such as The Late Show with Jimmy Fallon, The Martha Stewart Show, the Today Show, and Good Morning America. It is still a top-rated outdoor game today and was even voted “Best Beer in Hand Game” by GQ magazine.
The original Ladder Golf® collection of games is now sold exclusively by Tosso, a family-owned ecommerce business that believes that quality products are as important as the quality customer service we provide. We always want our customers to #HaveMoreFun and think you’ll enjoy playing our top-notch games like Ladder Golf® that will last for many years of fun. Thanks for shopping with us!