The month of October is traditionally known for Halloween and when trees shed their foliage before hunkering down for the winter. It is also known for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this disease is the most common cancer among women (1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime).
With early detection and advances in treatment, the five-year survival rate for women with breast cancer is 89% today vs 63% in the 1960s. is proud to partner with Breast Cancer Angels, an independent non-profit organization whose mission is to provide financial and emotional assistance for women (men too!) and their families as they go through breast cancer treatment.
During the month of October, will donate a portion of sales to Breast Cancer Angels, which 100% of the donations will go to San Diegans going through treatment, something we at Tosso are happy to support knowing what is raised, will stay locally and help those in need.
With the cost of treatment on the rise, a little can go a long way. Our headquarters is in Poway, CA, a suburb of San Diego, so this is a great way to give back to the community. For the month of October, your purchase will help this great cause. With all our great fun games to choose from, it’s a WIN-WIN for our fans and Breast Cancer Angels.
For additional information on Breast Cancer Angels, click here.